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Support Group

B2C Services

With specialized training in change management and professional coaching, I am able to guide individuals through transformative journeys of growth and discovery. Whether navigating personal or professional transitions, my mission is to empower you to thrive and excel, leveraging tailored strategies and personalized support every step of the way.

Road Map Session

Facing a significant life transition, whether personal or professional, or finding yourself at a crossroads, initiating a session to clarify your needs marks the crucial first step. The journey through these changes can often feel overwhelming when undertaken alone. Collaborating with a seasoned professional to co-create a personalized roadmap ensures that the transition not only becomes more manageable but also steers towards optimal outcomes tailored to your needs.

Effective Communication Coaching

If you find yourself struggling to effectively communicate with others, perhaps feeling misunderstood or experiencing difficulty conveying the true essence of your message, allow me to assist you through my effective communication coaching sessions. These sessions are available for scheduling as frequently as required, providing you with the support and guidance needed to enhance your communication skills and foster meaningful connections in your personal and professional life.

Authentic Growth Coaching

Often, individuals reach a pivotal stage in their lives where they recognize a misalignment between their current path and their true desires. This discrepancy, though challenging to articulate, manifests as a persistent feeling that change is necessary. In my personal growth coaching sessions, we embark on a journey to unearth your aspirations, deciphering not just what you want, but why it resonates with you. Together, we peel away layers of societal, cultural, and familial expectations to reveal your authentic goals. With these insights as our compass, we then tackle mental barriers, initiating a transformative process of brainstorming and strategizing how to manifest your aspirations into reality.

Sign Up for a Coaching Session
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**Note the session fees above to secure appointment


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Joe Tudisco, PMP, Cornerstone OnDemand

"Midway through the buildout of our new Paris office Monique was brought in by our contractor as their project director to provide some much-needed leadership for her company. She did an excellent job managing any issues with the subcontractors, developed a great rapport with all the stakeholders and consistently offered solutions to challenges that always come up during any large-scale project. Monique was always available when I needed her to attend a meeting or provide me with critical information. And I knew I would get an honest and accurate update on the status of our project from her. I would highly recommend Monique to anyone looking to manage a small or large-scale project. She is excellent!"

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